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12081 Pradera Road Camarillo CA 93012  805-491-2025

Back view. Color is Boxcar Red

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Front view. Color is Boxcar Red

  The model 0410 Minnesota & Northwestern Flag Stop Depot was used on the Motor Line in the suburbs of St. Paul, Minnesota around 1871.  The reason for choosing this depot was not based upon its lineage, but based upon its classic look of the late 1800's!  The tall narrow windows and doors of the depot produce an unique look that makes the depot appear larger than it actually is.  The long overhang of the eaves of the roof, provide needed shelter for its passengers, a major requirement for depots of the northern and mid-west portions of the country.  Overall, it is a perfect fit for any branch line of narrow gauge railroad!

  The depot is a strong structure that is mounted on a dark gray PVC base to protect it from ground moisture and provide a sturdy means of attaching extra detail.  This structure features a centered front door that leads into the passenger waiting area, along with another door and window on the end of the depot.  The station agents office is on the left end of the depot, with many windows around the depot to allow lots of light inside.  This is perfect for adding optional interior detail (see link).

  The walls of the depot are built from individually milled redwood strips, glued together with waterproof glue, to form the board and batten siding.  The siding is secured to an interior wall to form a structurally sound wall.  For more support, all of the internal corners and bases of the walls have 3/8" x 3/8" redwood members to reinforce the structure.  All surfaces inside and out (except those between the depot and the PVC) are double stained to seal the surface from moisture.  One of the finest features of this structure is the charm of the hand shingled cedar roof!  Each shingle is cut by hand and attached to a 3/4" solid redwood subroof using Titebond II waterproof glue.  The solid redwood subroof minimizes the chances of the roof being crushed, if something or someone should accidentally fall on it.  The depot can also be obtained with tar paper roofing.  It can be obtained in our standard colors (link to Color Selection), or it can be obtained as raw redwood.


  The serialized Flag Stop depot requires a space that is 14 1/2" long and 10" deep.  The overall height of the depot is 8 1/2".


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Model 0410 Flag Stop Depot trackside view with optional lighting and wooden platform

Color is Boxcar Red

0410 Minnesota & Northwestern Flag Stop Depot

Pacific Coast Garden Railway Supply